So now that my counseling is limited to the afternoons due to the students' schedules, I stayed in the office until after lunch. I spent my time by doing some work for my PLC and completing a psych report. I also contacted a parent and arrange an early initial planning meeting. Usually I have to give 15 days notice before a meeting unless you get consent from the parent before hand. This parent gave his consent although my initial date needed to be changed to accommodate their schedule.
In the afternoon I was able to counsel two kids. Only two because when I tried to get a third, every kid I attempted to get was getting tutoring from one of their in-class support teachers. Ah well.
The session that I did have with these students were much better than my previous ones. I finally got a chance to use the
card game. It was amazing how much their defenses dropped during the game. Or the opportunity to relate their behaviors in game to their behaviors out of game.
Following the counseling, I fielded a few more phone calls from parents and went home for the day.
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