Friday, January 1, 2010

Questions from Jeff

Since I have traditionally had trouble posting comments on my own blog, I'll answer Jeff's questions here. I may also go into other information just in case others read this. He asks:

Question... Are you a PhD level School Psychologist? Who is your direct report -- that is what is his or her title?
In New Jersey, the title of school psychologist is a product of the department of education. There is more to it than that but that requires a discussion of the American Psychological Association. My degree is a post-masters certificate called Educational Specialist (Ed. S.). I have my Masters in psychological studies and the Ed. S. is in School and Community Psychologist. This degree and an application to the New Jersey Department of Education allows me to work in a school district but it is not a license to practice privately.

I report directly to my district's director of special education. The current director of special education is a former learning disabilities teacher-consultant (LDTC). There really isn't a clinical director in the school district. The oversight that is given is more in regard to following special education law than my practice as a clinician or diagnostician.

I hope this answers your question and thank you and Anonymous for reading my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your quick response. I am almost 90% sure I'll be heading toward Clinical Psych PhD and emotion regulation and mood disorder research, but my Lab professor suggested I check out School Psychology as an option so I've been doing that in various ways. Reading your posts makes me realize how much I would dislike the case management and "paper work" side of your job. My passion is more on the side of research, writing, and therapy proper (read: evidence based intervention research).

    I appreciate your work here.
