Thursday, November 12th
Well, I get into work and head straight over to the high school for counseling. After several interesting sessions, I return to the office and get ready for my next bout of counseling at the middle school. I do a few things around the office, which include printing out the contract information for the Language Line Interpretation Services that I think our department, if not the whole district, is going to sign up for. This is something that we really need considering our district has a large latin population with a high prevalence on non-Spanish speaking staff, myself included.
I've used the Language Line in a previous job and it is quite good. They have immediate access to over 170 languages and they are just a phone call away. So, if a parent calls out of nowhere, you don't have to scramble to find an interpreter, you can put the parent on hold, call the Language Line, and then conference them in. They can also interpret while on speaker phone. And they do document translation.
So after my middle school counseling, I get back to the office, have lunch and receive the phone call. I called it. In reference to my thoughts on my parent phone call yesterday, mom called and said that she is bringing a lawyer to our next meeting. Again, it was all very polite and cordial, and there is no reason it can't be. But I called it. I said that I felt that the only way this was going to be resolved is if lawyers are involved. Well, they're involved.
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